How to install weka on google colab
How to install weka on google colab

how to install weka on google colab

As cuda version I installed above is 9.2 I had to slighly change your command: !pip install mxnet-cu92 !apt-key add /var/cuda-repo-9-2-local/

  • For me the command sequence was the following:.
  • Preface each line with commands with !, insert into a cell and run.
  • Copy them as well, but remove sudo from all the lines.
  • There will be installation instruction under "Base installer" section.
  • #How to install weka on google colab download

    First one will be the call to wget that will download CUDA installer from the link you saved on step 3 Now you have to compose the sequence of commands.

    how to install weka on google colab

    You can make sure by opening a new notebook and type !nvcc -version which would return the installed Cuda version. I pretty much believe that Google Colab has Cuda pre-installed. To check if TensorFlow is capable of using GPU, run the following code.

    how to install weka on google colab

    # Output would be True if Pytorch is using GPU otherwise it would be False. You can see the CUDA version also.Īfter that to check if PyTorch is capable of using GPU, run the following code. If the output is like the following image it means your GPU and cuda are working. To check if GPU is running or not, run the following command !nvidia-smi You can enable or disable GPU in runtime settings Go to Menu > Runtime > Change runtime. The Google Colab comes with both options GPU or without GPU. Cuda is not showing on your notebook because you have not enabled GPU in Colab.

    How to install weka on google colab